The MAD PXL-Lectures by Kenneth Goldsmith / Evelin Brosi
An Evelin Brosi remake of The PXL-MAD Lectures by Kenneth Goldsmith.

The PXL-MAD Lectures / Kenneth Goldsmith (Uitverkocht)
“It’s the best book in the world, because he has the best eye in the world. In the hands of anyone else that would have been a shitty book, it would have been horrible, it would have been turgid, it would have been pedantic, would have been boring… Every passage in that is like Waaauw. That’s… you’ve got the best thing. And that’s what makes that a great book.”
edited by Arne De Winde, Evelin Brosi and Kris Latoir
designed by Oliver Ibsen
transcribed by Thomas Chadwick, Sofie Gielis, Remco Roes, Erik Nuyts, Patrick Ceyssens, Griet Moors, Hannelore Roth, Arne De Winde, Marijke Malfroidt, Boris Van den Eynden, Els Menten, Piet Home, Yannis Tsitsovits, Katleen Verjans, Gert-Jan Meyntjens a.o.
printed by Risiko Press (Jan Matthé)
published by het balanseer
limited edition of 100 copies
100 pages, 21 x 29,7 cm
ISBN 978 90 79202 447
55 € (+ shipping costs)